With the shrinking margins in data and voice services, the Internet of Things is a very relevant revenue stream for the Telecom and Communication Service Provider market. Telecoms have a unique positioning for becoming the main providers for IoT solutions as mobility, connectivity and existing customer relationships will play a major role in developing those IoT solutions. Also, these Communication Service Providers already own the huge wireless and wireline infrastructure that currently transfer massive amounts of data.
Most Telecoms are already playing in the IoT and M2M space through metering, fleet management and smart city solutions, but there are many more opportunities for them in IoT. Streamlined operations and predictive analytics applied to Telecom networks will bring huge benefits to network availability, solution resilience, and customer satisfaction.
New Revenue Streams Create new products and services for IoT verticals.
Cross Sell Services Offer new services to the existing customer base.
Innovative Solutions Device evolution will allow for innovative products.
Predictive Analytics Predict network malfunctions and prevent down times.
Improve Operations More insights over the network allow for better customer service.
Enhance Customer Loyalty Enhanced services and insights from IoT will increase customer loyalty.
Become Solution Aggregator Be recognized as the hub for IoT solutions.
- Streamlined Device Certification: Automate the testing of devices on networks by utilizing workflows that decrease certification time
- Predictive Failure: Place sensors to monitor the temperature, load, humidity and other data points to predict when a board is about to fail
- Smart Retail: Analyze customer behavior in-store by using heat maps and gyro sensors – Find out which devices are interacted with the most
- Technology Sunset: Identify outdated technology on a network and alert users if discontinued
- Usage Pricing: Monitor device usage on the network and apply to pricing model